Team Launch
“The team is excited to move forward – we were energized by all we accomplished during the Team Launch workshop.”
- Team Leader
Team Launch
For Newly Formed Teams
The factors that cause teams to flounder are rarely related to skill, talent or resources. Team struggles are more often linked to lack of attention to sound team processes. Without an early focus on these crucial fundamentals, all teams and workgroups will fall into some form of dysfunction.
We believe the first few weeks of a team’s life together are of critical importance. We cannot over-estimate this. Teams that launch the right way shorten the time spent between ‘forming’ and ‘performing’. They are not only more efficient, they are also more effective in the early months, because they’ve already tackled many of the tough issues that some teams take months to figure out.
The ATP Team Launch process is designed to equip teams with the knowledge and tools to thrive.
The objectives of the Team Launch process are:
Initiate a process for the group to kick off its collective work in a forum where all team members are present.
Align the team on the 5 key fundamentals that will propel the group forward quickly and effectively.
Develop a positive attitude toward the team and its purpose.
Identify and resolve high priority issues that are unique to the team.
Reduce the “cycle time” from team start up to the production of tangible results.
The Team Launch is a one or two day workshop that contains both core essentials, and topics and work activities that are highly customized for each team’s needs.